Living With Dementia During COVID-19
“More than half of long-term care residents have cognitive impairment or dementia, raising questions about whether they will understand the details about the fastest and most extensive vaccination effort in U.S. history.”
“Should a loved one stay in a care facility, move elsewhere, come to a family caregiver’s home and rely on care provided by one or more family members or receive professional home care?”
On October 16, 2020 the NC Department of Health and Human Services issued new recommendations for indoor and outdoor visitation, communal dining, and other group activities at nursing homes and assisted living facilities.
Nursing Home Families Yearn to Visit Loved Ones Again
Struck hard by the pandemic, long-term and assisted living facilities shut their doors to outsiders. Many still have not reopened.
What to Consider Before Moving a Parent Into Assisted Living During COVID-19
Key questions to ask in a very concerning time
Parent with Dementia Interrupts Working from Home
Check out one of our favorite columnist’s advice on how to cope with a clingy parent when trying to work from home.
Talking To a Parent with Dementia Who Is In Lock Down Due to Covid-19
In this video dementia expert Teepa Snow uses role play to explain what to tell your parent about why you cannot visit right now. Thanks to care partner Louise K. for bringing this video to our attention.
As COVID-19 Lurks, Families Are Locked Out Of Nursing Homes. Is It Safe Inside?
“Families are beset by fear and anxiety as COVID-19 makes inroads at nursing homes across the country, threatening the lives of vulnerable older adults.” Read what experts suggest families can do in this article, and be sure to check out the decision aid toward the end of the article.
Seniors with COVID-19 Show Unusual Symptoms
Doctors Say Brief helpful explanation of why older adults are at greater risk from COVID-19, and why it’s important to be alert to and seek medical evaluation for common but atypical early symptoms.
COVID-19, Alzheimer’s and Dementia: What You Need to Know
Resources and tips about the coronavirus pandemic for people living with dementia, caregivers, and families from the Alzheimer’s Association
Caregiving and Coronavirus: Tips for Caregivers
An easy-to-read guide on how to plan and prepare for infection.
Balancing Work and Elder Care Through the Coronavirus Crisis
Helpful tips for those who are juggling work and elder care in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak.
How to Support Older Relatives During the COVID-19 Outbreak
Cathleen Colón-Emeric, MD, chief of Duke’s Division of Geriatrics offers advice about important conversations and practical strategies for supporting older family members during COVID-19. And check out the side-bar for some suggestions for activities from our team.
PPA (Primary Progressive Aphasia) makes it tough to understand and express questions or fears about COVID-19. Dr. Mesulam from Northwestern and AFTD (Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration) suggests brief strategies and resources for families to ease communication.
Disruptions in routines and the need for hands-on care are among the special challenges for dementia patients and their caregivers.